Melagiri Butterfly Survey 2015
A butterfly survey was conducted in Melagiris in November 2015. Experts from all over south India led the 12 Camps all across Melagiris.
172 species were recorded from the survey, including photogrpahic records for 96 species. A draft report can be downloaded from HERE.
Melagiri Bird Survey 2014
Melagiri Bird Survey 2014, the first comprehensive study of avian biodiversity in Melagiri Hills was conducted on 1st and 2nd of February, 2014. Over 40 bird watchers including expert camp-leads from different parts of South India, and an equal number of department staff participated in this effort.
Participants were given a brief orientation at the main camp in District Forest Office, Mathigiri, Hosur on 31 st January, 2014, after which the teams dispersed to their respective base camps. Twelve base camps were selected in such a way that all representative habitats and altitudes are covered and they are well spread-out.
A total of 48 transects were conducted across the 12 base camps. This amounted to over 130 hours and nearly 200 kms of surveying, in which a total of 7191 birds of 216 species were recorded. This includes 29 species which are being recorded for the first time from Melagiri Hills.
Significant recordings inclueed Nilgiri Wood Pigeon and Dark-sided Flycatcher from Kodekarai, Lesser Fish-Eagle, River Tern and Oriental Darter from the riverine areas along Cauvery, Painted Stork from Panchapalli near Chinnar river, good population of Blue-winged Parakeet from 8 out of the 12 camps, Besra, Lesser Yellow-nape, Yellow-browed Bulbul, Oriental Turtle-Dove, Oriental Scops Owl , Indian Blue Robin, European Bee-eater, Common House-Martin and Hair-crested Drongo.
KANS would like to thank all the volunteers who participated, Hosur FD for their wonderful support and IBCN for supporting the Survey via Small Grant Programme. Detailed report of the survey can be found HERE.
Wildlife Census in Hosur Forest Division
KANS has been has been associating with Hosur Forest Division in conducting the Annual Wildlife Census for the past 3 years. These are part of the various synchronised census conducted by forests departments in south India and span 2-3 days. Around 80-100 volunteers assist the field staff in conducting the census in the field and documenting the sightings in datasheets.
Some of the photos uploaded by volunteers over the years can be found HERE.
Melagiri Biodiversity Survey 2009-2010
A biodiversity survey of the Hosur and Dharmapuri Forest divisions was carried out in partnership with Asian Nature Conservation Foundation (ANCF). ANCF is based in the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore. The survey began in July 2009 and continued for a year. The goal of the project was to record and document the various species of mammals, birds, and plants found in the Melagiri region. The survey also attempted to understand the high levels of man-elephant conflicts and extent of the impact of human activities on the forests. A major outcome of the survey was the discovery of the habitat of the highly endangered Grizzled Giant Squirrel along the banks of the Cauvery river. The Grizzled Giant Squirrel is found only in a few places in Tamilnadu, Kerala, and Karnataka. The final report of the survey is prepared by ANCF. The Draft Summary Report can be accessed from HERE.